MS Session 7, Weeks 3-5

The 3 final weeks went by quickly and this session saw all our MS Eagles getting a job/apprenticeship. Can you imagine, when ActonKL started less than a year ago, most Eagles struggled to write emails. Today, many demonstrated that they could contact companies and find opportunities on their own!

Here are the highlights of the last 3 weeks of this academic year:

  • Getting that job
  • On the job
  • Exhibition day & Parties
  • Party time, and Eagle Buck spending spree
  • Last day and Looking toward to 2017-2018

Getting that job

Making that first step to get the job can be stressful. Your hands turn sweaty, your knees go the way of the jelly, and your heart sank into a black hole somewhere. If you’re lucky, you get the job at the first try

Some of the Eagles had to preserver. An Eagles got rejected 9 times, only to get her lucky on the 10th call. Even cats don’t have 10 lives, but our Eagle showed shear determination to get her goal. Another Eagle had to undergo a 1 hour 30 minutes ‘grilling’ interview!

These anxious feelings are something you’ll only get when you actually get down to doing it. The Eagles now have that experience, and they sure can draw upon this experience in their future job search, or even when making the proposal…


Calling for a job. Can you guess which before and which is after the call?


Never giving up, 10 times a charm…

On the job

Throughout the whole 3-4 weeks, the Eagles spread out across different jobs at different times. That left the MS Studio to be rather quiet at times, but it was great to see them coming back with smiles from their work.


In the end, Eagles had found jobs in f&b, child care, pets & services, tv show production, product design, industrial coatings, recycling, and mural painting!

A big thank you to all the places and people who accepted our Eagles under their wings. You have given them an insight to your industry as well as a glimpse of what you do on a day-to-day basis.


myBurgerLab, Krop Krop by Oinkz, Xiao By Crustz, Bucket B Cafe, Fikcles, WildsnapperTV, Delco, Petsmore, Meows & Paws, Tadika Fairfields, Taska Umi Sayang, Al Coating, iCycle, KenjiChai

Exhibition Day

After the Eagles finished their apprenticeships, they proceeded to finalise their journal, and to prepare for the exhibition day. Every end of session, the Eagles put on an exhibition to show-case their effort. This time around, the format is a 5-minute presentation (slides or animation) including Q&A in front of an audience. It was still a big challenge to many of them, but with previous exhibitions on their (for some, this is their 6th exhibition), they managed to fight through the nerves to prepare and present.


Golden tip for a great presentation, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse


Presentations and Q&A forum

Party time, and Eagle Buck spending spree

With all the hard work, a little fun and play is in order. This session we had saw a number of birthday parties, including the one of the Guides. Somehow they decided to utilise a rarely used item on the Eagle Buck Store menu, Pie-a-Guide.


An innocent party, add Eagles with lots of Eagle Bucks to spend

The Eagle Buck Store also saw an addition mid-session, and it proved to be a hit!


Lots of spending happened these weeks, due to the end of the academic and with lots of “cash” to spend. One Eagle “cleaned up” the fridge on the last day of term and “ta pau” (take-away) the remaining ice-cream and drinks. Another Eagle chose to donate her Eagle Bucks

Last day and Looking toward to 2017-2018

We had a get together for makan-makan for the last day of the academic year. It is a thank all the founding families who joint us on this journey to start Acton Academy KL. We shall always be grateful to all who have lent their support in big and small ways.

Nice sunny day for food and chat


All 24 Thank You cards. We are all individuals that when joint together can create great things.


T-Shirt with our founding families tree

The next academic year starts on September 4th 2017 with the “Cooking and Chemistry” quest. Time to sharpen the knife and split some atoms.


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