ES Session 7, Week 5

The final week of school is here! I can’t believe it has already been a year. We kicked off
Monday by listing down all the to-dos for the week and then, identifying what
needed to be done first. We are all ready and pumped up for the week!

In P.E., we had
the last badminton session with Coach Tan and Coach Zul. Thank you for your
patience with our Eagles over the past two sprints! We had a fun last session,
everyone just enjoyed the game and played against each other. Our Eagles are so
ready for a new sport next sprint!

Sweating it out

We survived!! 

The highlight of
the week was the Architecture Quest Exhibition and Year End Party on Friday.

Over the week, our
Eagles gradually ramped up their effort, focus and discipline to prepare for
the Exhibition. They definitely experienced a little sense of urgency through
the countdown on the whiteboard phew! Eagles were busy building their dream
school models, writing their presentation scripts, practicing and getting
feedback from one another, going through dry-runs with their MS Buddies and of
course, not forgetting to destress by shouting and screaming playing
outside the studio. 🙂 We ended the quest with a reflection of our
journey and learnings in the Architecture Quest.

I must admit that I was secretly panicking inside as intentionality was low over the past
four weeks and Eagles did not seem too concerned that showtime was rapidly
approaching. The biggest lesson that I am still learning is truly letting go
and fully trusting in their capabilities. Thank you Eagles for reminding me that
over and over again.

Busy architects at work! 

Dry run and feedback time

time!!! The Eagles were ready to present their dream Acton Academy campus to
our guests. Thank you to everyone who came and made this Exhibition a
successful one! I hope all of you enjoyed yourselves and had fun learning about
our future school campuses.

Welcome to our Architecture Exhibition! 

Team 1 – Acton Academy KLCC (Guess how the name came about) 

Team 2 – Meow Acton (Spot the fire escape)

Team 3 – Funky Acton (Find the Eagle’s tiny, secret journal) 

Team 4 – Artistic Acton (Look at the rooftop field and playground)

And, that was followed by the Year End Party! Like true Malaysians, we had a makan-makan
session. We also celebrated two Eagles’ birthdays with lots of gelato and cake. Happy Birthday, Naomi and Evan!!

Perfect weather for a picnic

Happy 1st Birthday Acton KL! What an adventure it has been! We are so, so grateful to
have such an amazing founding community that truly believes and supports us. THANK
YOU SO MUCH for taking the leap with us.

We are on this journey together! 

We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on 4th September. Get ready to unleash
the MasterChef in you with our upcoming Cooking and Chemistry Quest! We hope
you have a wonderful break.


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