Animation Quest – 2018/19 Sprint 1 Week 3

It’s week 3 of the animation sprint and our Eagles are making good progress!

This week, the MS Eagles were doing Foley. Recording sounds for an animated short using creatively produced sounds from badminton strings, body parts, mouth contortions and many more that we cannot begin to imagine. They Eagles were up to all sorts of shenanigans. A team from the MS studio converted a toilet into a sound studio.

And because they were trying to record sound, the whole MS studio this week was super quiet. Even Jia Hong’s bike played a role.

One MS group started the week in shambles, they were disorganised, no one was working together, they were not coordinated — but they managed to pull it back together again. The group also had massive technical issues but yesterday, they had a breakthrough. Once they got over their teamwork and technology issues, they made big strides and got a lot done quickly. Here’s the work that an MS team came up with:
There was also voting! Where the ES Eagles were judging the MS Eagles for the best Foley. Since the MS Eagles knew that the ES Eagles were going to be judging their work, something interesting happened – the MS Eagles looked for direct feedback from the ES Eagles. They were actively looking for ways to improve and to do it by getting to know their audience – the ES Eagles. What the MS Eagles learned was that, to be more age relevant, they had to make the sound more cartoon-ey and they also learned that they couldn’t use the word “stupid” as that was offensive to the ES Eagles.
The picture above is magic. Magic because the ES Eagles went upstairs for the judging, they organised themselves, they led the session and they voted on a winner — and they did it all by themselves in serious and adult manner.
Some of the ES Eagles started the week on a difficult note, with teams not working well together, however a big breakthrough happened on Wednesday. There were intense discussions and the ES Eagles then learned how to delegate and work together. From Wednesday to Friday, the ES Eagles finished all their animation work for the week. They had so much fun with doing Foley and creating sounds. After watching the MS Eagles, they were so inspired to do more and to do better. At the end of the week, an ES Eagle walked up to us and said “I feel like a sound master!”.
A phrase comes to mind, “sometimes there is magic in chaos”. If they have made so much progress in just a few days, we can’t wait for the exhibition in a few weeks to see their final work.



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