Animation Quest – 2018/19 Sprint 1 Week 5

This week was special, because last week ended with Building Blocks, a session with all ActonKL parents.

Held 3 times a year, the theme this time was Courage to Grow, inspired by Laura Sandefer’s book (the founder of Acton Academy) of the same name. This Building Blocks was designed to be like a book club meet and we had discussions on the passages of the book, had spirited discussions and got to know one another a little bit more.

This is the fifth week of the animation quest and the ES Eagles were in flow and focused on their animation work.

An ES Eagle learned an important lesson this week. To qualify for ice skating, Eagle C had to complete his goals -— however Eagle A (his buddy) didn’t check on Eagle C, only to realise that Eagle C hadn’t completed his work at the end of the day. As per studio agreement, both Eagle A and Eagle C could not skate till Eagle C finishes his work. Lesson learnt by Eagle A — “No matter what happens, you must always check on your buddy.” Eagle C sat out for most of ice skating to finish his work. The end of the week came and now Eagle A is now more diligently checking on his buddy.

The ES Eagles demonstrated lots of initiative this week:

  • An Eagle messaged our guide that he will be staying home and assigned jobs to his teammates to work on while he was away.
  • Eagle buddies were challenging each other. An Eagle was overheard challenging her buddy to set more difficult goals during core skills.
  • It’s a rainy week, as the Eagles saw that the chairs were getting wet outside, they took the initiative to take the chairs in and dried them out.
  • An Eagle took the initiative to draw out the dance formation for his team mates so that everybody could remember better.

An ES Eagle was struggling with his core skills and a couple of Eagles took some time to help. It was encouraging to see the ES Eagles trying to make sure that no one was left behind.

Some of the MS Eagles were struggling to keep up with their core skills progress, so this week the Eagles worked hard and promised to accomplish their core skills goals for this week — and they did!

Meanwhile the MS Eagles were having a lot of fun doing up their animation shorts. Can’t wait to see how these turn out. The exhibition is just a week away!


And to cap it all off, it was Aqeesha and Saloma’s birthday!


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