Detective Science & Psychology Quest – 2018/19 Sprint 2 Week 2

What an interesting week!

There was a visit by a covert operations officer from the Malaysian police force earlier today for the ES hero sharing. So covert we had to blur out his face and name tag.

What a fun way to learn about detective science. The Eagles had so much fun. Some even insisted on getting handcuffed.

The day before, the ES Eagles were at the Science Bridge Academy – learning detective science, learning measurements and casting a foot imprint.

In the ES studio, an Eagle took the opportunity to bring a new Eagle around the school, making her feel welcomed. Many ES Eagles demonstrated initiative this week. One automatically checked everyone’s core skills progress, another went around to help others after finishing her work, yet another rose up to lead his team and another challenged himself to read more complex books. It looks like the school closure we had on Tuesday due to the Influenza A outbreak didn’t slow the Eagles down. During the school closure, the guides wiped the school down and sprayed disinfectant to clear the school of the virus and made the school safe for all the Eagles again.

In the MS studio, the Eagles spent the first two days doing wide spectrum research, looking for topics that they wanted to delve in deeper.

By the mid-week catch up, there was a quick round of sharing about what they found and gave a brief summary. At the end, they nominated two topics to go deep. This brings us to Friday and the MS studio’s mini exhibition:

Not to forget our two special guests from the UK, Matt and Beata, educators who – rather than come to Asia just for a holiday, decided to drop by Acton to learn from our best practices. They’d like to take some of this knowledge back to their college in the UK. A college that does amazing work with at-risk youth. In this picture, they were doing their hero sharing on their work with special needs youth.

Let’s not forget the insane amounts of fun the MS Eagles had at Jumpstreet:

Oh and the highlight of the week! It was our newest Eagle, Myra’s birthday! We were also celebrating Chucky’s belated birthday this week as his birthday fell on the school holidays.

We can’t wait to see what’s in store for next week.





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