Detective Science & Psychology Quest – 2018/19 Sprint 2 Week 3

It’s mid week! In the ES studio, the Eagles had an exciting guest. It was Dr. Yong, a forensic specialist from Hospital Putrajaya. In this picture she was showing the steps for post-mortem examinations. The kids were excited and the guides were mortified at the same time.

School was fun as usual. With lots of play, ice skating and bowling.

The ES Eagles were busy with their detective science quest and were at the Science Bridge Academy in The School, Jaya One. They were doing hair analysis to identify who their suspects were. To do that, they asked their suspects for their hair samples!

Ms. Caryn also ran a writer’s workshop. The kids were never this excited to write before. The workshop Introduced the concept of building characters and to weave it into compelling storylines. With this, the ES Eagles got busy writing the introduction to their crime stories.

Warning to our ES parents, your children may continue writing through the weekend and refuse to come down for dinner.

Something impressive happened this week, the ES Eagles led their town-hall and facilitated a good discussion. Here’s to our Eagles taking more and more responsibility in running their own studios.

Another ES Eagle showed compassion and leadership when he approached an Eagle that was in trouble. He gave words of encouragement and showed empathy by saying that, he too had a lot of trouble when he first joined.

In the MS studio, Matt and Bea, our two travelling guests from the UK started off the MS’s week by continuing last week’s sharing.

Matt and Bea took the Eagles through mental health issues and got the MS Eagles to do a sketch! In the next picture, the Eagles were simulating what happens when someone suffers from an eating disorder. The other Eagles were simulating anorexia, obsessive compulsive disorder and many others. The purpose of the sketch is to put our Eagles into the shoes of a person suffering from mental health disorders and to enable them to empathise with sufferers.

Matt and Bea told us that we can listen to sufferers and to try to help, but be aware that we are not solely responsible for our friend’s wellbeing.

Then today, there’s another mini exhibition where the MS Eagles shared what they learned in their psychology quest. This included: –

  • Operand conditioning and its effect on child development
  • OCD – Symptoms, Causes, and Cure
  • Bobo Beatdown Experiment – Social Observational Learning
  • Cognition Experiments – Selective Attention
  • Bipolar Disorder

And cake! It is Ms. Caryn’s birthday on Saturday so we celebrated her birthday a little earlier.

Happy birthday Ms. Caryn!

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