It’s exhibition week! The whole week was a dash to the finish line for our Eagles. Weeks of learning about psychology for our MS Eagles and detective science for our ES Eagles has culminated into this exhibition.

The ES Eagles painstakingly crafted a crime scene for our guests.

Luckily the perpetrator was sloppy and he (or she) left clues all over the place. The perpetrator left hair samples, which our guest detectives looked into.

The perpetrators left fingerprints on the scene and our guest detectives got on the case.

The perpetrator left a note too! Our guest detectives did a handwriting analysis. But there were clues that stumped our guest detectives.

But not every detective was stumped and the power of never giving up ensured that and our criminal was finally caught!

The MS has an interesting sprint too, delving into the mind and the secrets it holds. They gave presentations on love and persuasion and Tourett’s and the effect of games among others.

Our Eagles keep getting arrested today!

In the end during our tea/dinner session, we heard a fabulous story from an ES parent. She had never seen her daughter so focused before – and how, just the day before the exhibition, her daughter spent hours prepping for the exhibition without getting distracted. There was a lot of doubt before the exhibition if her daughter would be able to pull everything together on time, but she did. As a proud and happy parent, she was encouraged with knowing that no matter what life throws at her daughter, she would be alright. This same Eagle would go on and ask her mom to please have a story writing birthday party. This is coming from an Eagle who, in the past, did not want to write.

That’s the power of struggle, pain and hard work.

That’s a wrap for this sprint! We cannot wait for the next one. Till then, have a Merry Christmas, a fantastic New Year.


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