This sprint was different from most others. It was 5 exciting weeks of survivor training and a couple of days of outdoor fun, fun, fun, but all eyes were still on what promised to be an exciting, interactive, sprint-end exhibition.
MS Camp Day 1
… and admiring the stunning view they’d wake up to for the next few days.
MS Camp Day 2
ES Camp Day 1
The MS Eagles, who had already been at Father’s Organic Camp for 2 nights, were all ready to greet the PS and ES Eagles as they arrived bright and early on Saturday morning. Preparations got underway pretty quickly for the exhibition with a difference … an exhibition to showcase what the Eagles had learned about surviving in the wild, conducted … in the wild.
Not only did the Eagles pick up valuable survival skills, they also inadvertently learned about scientific principles, teamwork, common sense and a whole host of life skills.
Sprint 6 Exhibition
Elementary Studio (ES)
The ES Exhibition was split into 4 stations, Fire, Cooking and Nutrition, Shelters and Tents and Water Filtration. The Eagles eagerly showcased all the fun and useful survival skill knowledge that they learned over the sprint.
The Eagles presented their knowledge of fire – what it comprised of, how to set it up and how to light it.
Food & Nutrition
Shelters & Tents
Water Filtration
Middle Studio (MS)
At the beginning of the sprint, the MS Eagles decided to have a Battle of the Sexes and split into team Girlz and team Boyz. Each of them had to showcase their camps complete with the basic builds of a storage rack, drying facilities, a stove, and a notice board. The winning team would have the most functional and creative campsite with the most hospitable Team Host.
Team Girlz
Team Boyz
All in all, the teams realized that nobody could do it alone. The Girlz needed the Boyz’s help to achieve something and vice versa. A valuable lesson to learn.
Building Blocks
3 times a year, parents come together to share their learning journeys, so they can support their Eagles’ growth. A learner-driven community is supported not by Guides, but a stable and nurturing home, that provides the foundation for Eagle’s growth and pursuit in their Learning Studios.
Fun & Play
ES Camp Day 2
The ES’ woke up early to prepare breakfast for 70+ hungry people! Kudos to the ES!