Weekly Updates
Preschool / Spark Studio (PS) Update
We’re Back!
The PS Studio came alive again on Monday, marking the end of another long absence from the physical Studio and, most importantly, the outdoor play area. The PS Eagles eagerly resumed the physical Montessori work that they had started in September 2020 and, within this one week, made a lot of progress.
Getting Back into Studio Maintenance
In restarting Studio life, the PS Eagles had to recommit to their role in keeping the Studio in pristine and functional condition, since cleaning is a part of the work and play cycle. The newer and younger Eagles were shown how to wash the utensils and tools that they had used, as well as mop up their own spills.
Quest: Montessori Cultural – Animal Kingdom
Doing the Mystery Bag is always more fun with friends! Mystery Bag 1 of this quest contained 20 animal pictures. After cutting them, the Eagles sorted them into groups.
Mystery Bag 2 also contained 20 animal pictures, and this time the Eagles were challenged to sort them according to their skeletons, shells, skins (for animals without bones) and exoskeletons (insects).
The Eagles were fascinated by the different aspects of animals:
AA: We group them into Sea Creatures, Bugs and Land Animals.
S: These ones can swim, these ones can fly, these ones crawl and these ones slither.
AY: These ones are long and these ones are short.
IA: These ones can climb and the others cannot climb.
SO: I am tired!
Special Celebration
On Friday, the PS Eagles held a Graduation Ceremony / Leaving Celebration for those who were graduating from the PS Studio to the ES Studio. Congratulations to AD, AZ and JO! They also bid farewell to a fellow PS Eagle who is moving on to her next great adventure. Shine one, MY, wherever you go!
Elementary Studio (ES) Update
Adapting to Hybrid
Welcome back, Eagles! For this Sprint, we are learning about and discovering the world of chemistry through cooking. Expect a delicious Sprint full of experimentation and interesting creations!
The good news is that we are back in the physical studio, with some Eagles joining us virtually. The first day saw a rough start, with the Eagles having to learn how to include their online buddies in their discussions and research. One Eagle whispered to me, “This is really hard!” but she kept pressing on with her online buddy. Both Eagles were very patient and calm, learning ways to adapt and help each other.
Celebration of Change
We ended the week with a mini-celebration. In this Sprint, we are welcoming a total of 4 Eagles who are graduating from the Preschool Studio. Welcome, JO, AZ, AD and AL!
At the same time, 2 ES Eagles graduated to the Middle School Studio. All the best, AR and AP in your quests for growth and inspiration!
Last but not least, we wish all the best to CH who is moving on to his next adventure. Go forth and conquer the world, CH!
Middle School Launchpad Studio (MSLP) Update
Childrens’ Games: Tag, Marco Polo, Capture the Flag, The Floor is Lava, Hide & Seek, etc. When did you last play any?
This Sprint, the small Studio of five Eagles grows to ten. What better way to bring Eagles together than by using games they’ve played before? We spiced it up with the raising of stakes, and plenty of discussions & reflections on teamwork, sportsmanship, and knowing each other.
All of the games and reflections were aimed at bonding the Studio together towards the eventual working out and signing of their Contract. Note: the veteran Eagles are very familiar with coContractsntracts, so most discussions were generated during meal times.
Cooking & Chemistry
This Sprint features the Cooking & Chemistry Quest and Restaurant Review Genre. The first week involved exploring Chemistry Atomic Models, food recipes and their relevant chemistries, blind taste tests, and finally, an Egg Cookout!
Mostly, Eagles worked hard, learned online, and applied those skills in the kitchen.
Some Eagles also expanded their learning via other experts, such as EdX on Molecular Gastronomy and more!
Looking forward to the weeks to come!