Weekly Updates
Preschool / Spark Studio (PS) Update
High Standards
The Play Area Manager closed the area and marked it, ‘Not Clean’.
Resetting & Recommitting
Two Harm Incidences were reported between 2 sets of Eagles on 2 successive days. During reset, they were praised for being honest with their feelings and with what happened. Both instigating Eagles made promises to never harm another Eagle again and were later welcomed back into the Studio.
Quest: Rocket Science
This week the PS Eagles explored Stomp Rockets. For this challenge, they had to create a specific type of rocket that could be fit onto a pipe. After creating their slim rockets, they took them upstairs to launch in a Stomp Rocket Battle!
This challenge inspired them to think about the mechanics behind why certain rockets flew higher:
AN – The harder we step on the bottle, the higher the rocket can fly.
IA – The rocket does not need fins because it makes it heavier.
AS – The air from the bottle pushes the rocket to fly up.
Graduation Celebration
On Friday, the PS Eagles celebrated SR’s Graduation into the ES Studio by talking about what they remembered about her time in the PS Studio. They presented her with a framed photograph of them altogether, then cheered with shakers and claps for SR’s Hero’s Journey as she made her way to join the ES Studio. They joined her in the ES Studio as the ES Eagles welcomed her. Hurray for SR! Congratulations on your Graduation, and may you continue to shine your light in the ES Studio and beyond!
Weekly Reflection
AX – My favourite thing this week is Eagle Buck Store Day!
AS – My favourite this week is the Stomp Rocket.
AN – I’ve made 3 rockets, Stomp Rocket, Straw Rocket, and Balloon Rocket. I am ready to rescue the Shopkins!
Elementary Studio (ES) Update
Altogether Again!
We are all physically back and the ES Eagles are so grateful that they can finally return to their friends and Studio! Nevertheless, they faced some frustrating challenges this week.
Failures! Failures!
The Rocket Quests continue, and this week the ES Eagles tried their hands at Water Rockets and Foam Rockets.
The Eagles failed to meet the deadline for the Water Rocket Launch, so the Launch was delayed to the next day. Come Launch Day, despite 2 days of hard work, all their creations failed to launch! Water leakage was the main issue faced by the Eagles.
On Thursday, the Eagles were faced with more failures. They were quick in completing their second challenge to create the Foam Rockets, and a handful of rockets managed to launch, but some of them had issues and failed. What a week! How did the Eagles deal with it?
Eagle 1 – I wish that my rocket didn’t break when I was doing the experiment.
Eagle 2 – I trashed my rocket because it didn’t work!!!!
Eagle 3 – I learned that I need to read the instructions better the next time.
Probationary Contract
This week, an Eagle was put on Probationary Contract. The purpose of the Contract is to provide the tools and environment for the Eagles to achieve their goals, in this case the tools and environment needed to minimize distraction.
The Eagle courageously admitted his struggle with distraction and understood the purpose of the Contract. Kudos to the Eagle for forging forward!
Triple Celebration!
We ended the week with a triple celebration. We celebrated an Eagle graduating up from the PS Studio with a simple, yet meaningful tradition of a Send-off Ceremony in the PS Studio and a Receiving Ceremony in the ES Studio.
The celebrations continued with a birthday celebration of an Eagle who had recently transitioned from the ES Studio into the MS Studio. Nevertheless, he invited his ex-Studiomates to celebrate with him. Happy 13th birthday, AR! Here’s celebrating your amazing growth and transformation!
The final celebration was to celebrate the first physical Fun Friday in a long while. The Eagles decided to have a Snack Party. Thanks for a great week full of failures and fun. Here’s looking forward to the coming weeks!