Weekly Updates
Preschool / Spark Studio (PS) Update
Mutual Encouragement
Eagles AN and RO were seen celebrating with each other their achievements of earning and saving up to 10 Eagle Bucks! For context, it takes an average of 4-5 hours of work per week to earn 1 Eagle Buck. This means that AN and RO have been working consistently each week AND also practising delayed gratification for at least the last 10 weeks.
Meanwhile, OR was seen showing MA who is new to the Studio where and how to get the sticks/star cards (which leads to getting an Eagle Buck). OR was very patient and gave a detailed explanation to MA.
Clean-Up Time
It’s Clean-up Time! But it usually takes a while before any cleaning takes place. It was OR who reminded everyone that it was Clean-up Time and not Play Time anymore.
Concepts of Time and Duration
Learning about the concepts of time and duration and the Studio Schedule is integral to a PS Eagle’s Hero’s Journey. It was observed on Friday that the Eagles took a natural interest in the countdown timer (to when Play Time is over and when Clean-up time starts). Clean-up Time started and continued smoother as a result of this timer awareness.
Quotes of the Week
AN and RO to JE: JE, you know Chinese, right? Can you read this to us please? 我的爸爸!
SO: There’s a snowstorm outside. Let’s start a fire (the red cubes and strawberries) and keep ourselves warm!
Weekly Elementary Studio (ES) Update
Games and Responsibilities
It’s the start of a new Sprint! We kicked off the week with games and setting up responsibilities in the Studio. We welcomed a few new faces, and with a larger group now, dynamics are getting dynamic!
Quest: Building a Business
For this Sprint, the Eagles are working on building a business. Throughout the week, Eagles have been working very hard setting up their company and making important decisions to lay down the foundation for their businesses. What is in store for this year’s CBF?
Writer’s Workshop
Right off the bat, the Eagles also work on their Writer’s Workshop pieces. This Sprint it’s memo writing. THe Eagles started off by creating a mind map of themselves – what make you, you?
Squad Leader Meeting
At the end of the week, the Squad Leaders had a meeting and shared the struggles that they were facing in their Squads. One highlighted it was distractions in the Studios. They all agreed that they need to minimized distractions within their squads. A Town Hall has been set to deal with this on Monday. Looking forward to their ideas and solutions.