Build a Business 2020-2021 Sprint 5 Week 5

Weekly Updates


Preschool / Spark Studio (PS) Update

Art Packs

Friday was art pack day! This time, the PS Eagles found paint, straws, spaghetti and marshmallows. Here is what they made with them:

AA’s very tall spaghetti/marshmallow tower.
IA with his tower.
“So difficult, mommy, let’s do art.”
Straw and paint make great art.
SH’s second attempt, 4 hours later. He was motivated by the photos shared by the other Eagles.
This ‘failure’ has gotten SH to think about how to make a much taller tower. He thought about using his Lego blocks.
SH in the flow and focussed.
RO and MA with their spaghetti and marshmallow towers.
A close-up of their structures.
OR with her sister and their spaghetti/marshmallow tower.
Onto straw blowing art.
JE and his straw blowing art, featuring some finger art as well.

Understanding Natural Consequences

It was painful for some Eagles last week to notice that they could not buy anything from the EB Store. In that moment, they understood the relationship between everyday work, accumulated points, and the conversion of those points into Eagle Bucks.

After this realisation, the Eagles placed their attention and effort into doing what matters – finishing as much work as they can do for the day to have an opportunity to buy items during Friday’s Eagle Buck Store.

One of the challenges is the Home Challenge – a choice between keeping places neat, or cleaning up an entire section of the home. Here is MA wiping.
AA with her Snack Preparation Home Challenge.
OR works independently.
AN likes the Mandarin lesson on Thursday so much, the theme song is now his favourite song.
Video Credit: Little Chinese Fox’s Journey to the West.
J does his Home Challenge with the vacuum cleaner.
IA bought this music box worth 5EB, a tidy sum that he has been accumulating for over 5-6 weeks.
OR bought this pair of Shopkins for 1EB – that is equivalent to 100 points that she has accumulated this week.

Quotes of the Week

AY and AV: We are done with the activity. We just ate the marshmallows, are we supposed to build something?

SH: I can’t do it. The spaghetti keeps breaking.

Weekly Elementary Studio (ES) Update 

Full Steam Ahead!

The ES Eagles have been working in their Squads, setting up their businesses for Exhibition next week. They have had to come up with a product, a business design, available delivery options, and so on. 

At the beginning of the week, the Squad Leaders were feeling the pressure, and some were stressed out. “There are so many things to do!” However, as the week went on, they were more ready compared to where they were at the beginning of the week.

The leaders had a discussion at the end of the week to tie up some loose ends and decide on some pertinent questions:

“How are we going to deliver the items? Grab?”

“Grab is expensive.”

“Depending where.”

“We’re taking orders first before buying the materials.”

“Oh, we decided to make the products first and have a set amount to sell.”

“We need to test, let’s test the site a couple of days before.”

Go Eagles! All the best for your Learning Exhibition!

Hero Sharing

On Thursday, we had a Hero share with us her business and how she pivoted during the COVID19 lockdown.The Eagles were eager to share with Ms Wei Zhi about their own urban gardens in their homes.

“I have some mint, and aloe vera.”

“My mum has been planting avocado seeds.”

“We have a variety of plants, however we’ve not had any produce yet.”

Thank you Ms Wei Zhi from Pint-Size Greens!

Have a good weekend!

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