Build-A-Business/Rocket Chemistry & A Game Exhibition 2020-2021 Sprint 5

Build-A-Business Exhibition

Elementary Studio

In the Build-A-Business Sprint, the Eagles explored how to form a company, exploring the following concepts:

  • Company formation (developing mission statements, assigning roles, assessing strengths and emulating entrepreneurial heroes)
  • Image creation (logo and slogan creation, image psychology, and behavioral economics)
  • Markets and customers (customer surveys and market studies)
  • Costs and risks (unit economics, Four Rules of Cash)

This Sprint was supposed to culminate in the Children’s Business Fair, but circumstances prompted the decision to postpone the CBF to August and have an Exhibition for this Sprint. That meant that the Eagles were faced with the challenge of holding a virtual mini-CBF in very short notice to showcase their learnings about how to run a business.

The scramble was on to create new products amongst the teams and turn them into viable businesses to sell to real-world customers. The day of the Exhibition finally arrived. The Eagles, as usual, were nervous and excited. With some final checks and minor loose ends tied, they were ready to receive their first customers.

Soap production session.
Ready and waiting for orders.

A link was provided  where customers could sign in to inquire about their products, and the Eagles handled the queries very well. They made sure their response time was as speedy as possible, and catered to as many customer requests as possible. The customers were also very encouraging and praised them for their efforts.

Are we getting muffins? It’s a surprise!
No! It’s SLIME!
The slime dream team.
It almost looks like water!
Or does THIS look more like water?
Are the purchasing instructions clear?
The Cheetah Pack follow their passion.
Customers love to know about a company’s product and name development. 
You can see that the Cheetah Pack love animals!
Beautiful pictures of colourful products attract the eye.
Having an inquiry option puts customers at ease.
The Gamer’s name reflects their passion.
Confidence in themselves and the product wins customers over!
Catchy blurbs make customers smile.
The products might not be ready, but as long as customers can see what they will look like, it should be fine.
Products that are pertinent to the times will definitely win customers over.
The Gamers have made the purchasing experience easy for the customer by including sizing charts.

Squad 3 are all in it together!
A short and sweet About Us page that shares who they are, what they hope to achieve and suggestions on product use.
Customers do like to see the faces behind the products.
Informing customers of the manufacturing process gives them confidence in the product.
Customers have all the purchasing information at hand here.
We are The Champions, my friends!
The Champion is starting an Art Mania!
The champions of the world!
Al shows off different mediums.
Produce what you know and love, says JAR
JO’s cute unicorns will win the day!
L created with a different type of art.

Overall, the Build-A-Business segment of the Exhibition went smoothly and the Eagles were happy with their sales, though they wished they could have sold more products:

“I like that we got many orders.”

“I wish that we could have sold more.”

“Some feedback was saying that my prices was too high, while some said that my prices should be higher.”

Ready and awaiting delivery!
A satisfied customer.
Another happy customer thinks the Mars soap is out of this world!

Writer’s Workshop: Memoirs

Short story snippets from their lives make for riveting reading in the Eagles’ Memoirs. Prompted by 4 story starters, they shared about a time when nothing happened, a time when they ate something weird, a time in their favourite place, and a special day you remember.

Everyone’s story is different.
Times in JAR’s life.
L loves wild rides.
AZ’s stories are all about her family.
K’s special day was her birth day!
What are their passions and passionate dislikes?
It’s obvious that E loves horses!
JAS’ favourite place is her house.
M had lucid dreams!
AN shares about …. crocodile curry? Hmmmm ….
Celebrations and loves.
Vegemite is for Aussies, says KA.
Happy belated birthday to IS!
AL experienced husky love.
S danced with her mama!
Special things and places.
X is super into muscle cars!
AL celebrated her birthday with a princess!
AY had a REALLY DULL day.
CL is a jetsetter!

Interesting food, places and animals.
AD went on an adventure!
AR played with her cat all day.
JO went camping with her friends.
Z’s mind was blown by Sprite!
Leaves are … yummy? says KA

Rocket Science/A Game Exhibition

Middle School / Launchpad Studio

Mini Quest: Rocket Chemistry

Working towards a Rocket Chemistry Mini-Badge, the MSLP Eagles went deep into experimentation this Sprint to figure out how to propel rockets to actually fly. Researching into chemistry and physics theory, they experimented with acid and explosives. Asking the questions :

  • What is the optimum ratio of baking soda and vinegar?
  • Does the bottle size/type matter?
  • Which trigger mechanism gives the best lift?
5…4…3…2..1 … BLAST OFF!

Unfortunately, school went virtual, and they couldn’t continue their experimentations

Quest: A Game

. As usual, Acton Eagles easily step left and they came up with a mini-Quest to challenge their critical thinking … through card games! They brought their A Game to games like poker and blackjack and analysed skills they could gain from playing them. Logic, psychology, strategy … these are all skills one needs to survive in the world and can be sharpened through card games.

Some of the Eagle’s reflections on what they learned by playing games.

AR: We all could not believe that playing games could get us points! Also, surprisingly, we also learned that games can give a lot more life lessons than you can think, like …


Reading other opponents emotions

and luckiness and chance.

AP: This A Game badge was all about learning how to form strategies and estimate what your opponent was about to do. Overall, this badge was fun, but I think that it would have been better if we played against each other (rather than bots).

What skills can blackjack teach you?

Independent Work

Some MSLP Eagles decided to do their own independent work.

DH wanted to be the early bird, getting a headstart in her Apprenticeship Programme.
DH’s Apprenticeship Programme Letter. The letters the Eagles send to their prospective apprenticeship companies are the first impressions the companies have of them.
AR followed his passions by approaching companies that help animals.
AR: I think that it was fun finding my very first internship especially since it got linked with stuff we like to do. I even got a reply from a company but MCO is making the whole internship process very hard to do as everything is shut.
AN enhanced his PS Play video to further hone his videography skills.

AP and ZUL went through several drafts of the apprenticeship email to find the right tone. This is the first, generic draft.

The final draft, tailored towards a specific company.
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