Guides ActonKL

ES Session 6, Week 1

Excited Eagles returned to school on Monday, all ready to see their friends and tell each other about their holidays! Monday was also a special day because we have a new Eagle who is starting his journey with us in the studio. Welcome, Arjun and family! 🙂 During our morning Circle Time, the Eagles explained […]

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ES Session 5, Week 5

Week 5 was a week of finishing strong in our ES Studio! Our Eagles worked hard and challenged themselves to achieve their goals in Core Skills and Project Time to prepare for the Exhibition on Friday. It was a wormy day on Tuesday! We started the week learning all about Red Wigglers and vermicomposting with

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ES Session 5, Week 4

On Monday, the Eagles brainstormed and created a list of how an Intentionality Hero behaves. After that, they were challenged to be intentional throughout the week. Eagles who demonstrated intentionality will have special privileges in the ES studio for a day! How does an Intentionality Hero behave? Sensing that the end of the session is

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ES Session 5, Week 2

The second week of Session 5 started with our Eagles setting their weekly SMART goals with the MS Buddies. Many of them are definitely getting better at setting and keeping track of their goals now. They are even challenging each other to achieve more during Core Skills. Of course, there are also days when nothing

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ES Session 5, Week 1

This past week marked the beginning of a new session in our ES community! Imagine tomorrow you and your family moved to a farm in rural Malaysia. This farm is over 6 hours from the nearest grocery store. Would you be able to survive and grow enough fresh food to stay healthy? This sparked many interesting answers

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ES Session 4, Week 5

The last week of Session 4 was as busy as ever! Eagles gave their very best and worked diligently till the end of the Entomology Quest. Throughout the week, they kept to their plans to make sure that everyone could complete their tasks and be fully prepared for the exhibition. Not only that, they also

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ES Session 4, Week 4

Whew! One more week to our third exhibition! This week was buzzing with energy as our Eagles prepared for the end of the session. Everyone was busy finishing up their journals, posters and 3-D models. Most Eagles were also challenging themselves with more goals to achieve this week and actually keeping to their promises. It

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ES Session 4, Week 3

Week 3 just flew by!  With more goals this week, Eagles spent a lot of time in the Challenge Zone, working on their project journals and Core Skills. We started the week with “Intentionality – Are we doing things with the right intention?” and “Which zone are we in – Comfort, Challenge or Panic Zone?”

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ES Session 4, Week 2

This week at Acton KL, the Eagles moved forward with their SMART goals. More Eagles were keeping track of their goals and challenging themselves to achieve more. Yay! We started the week with “How can we focus better to achieve our goals?” Some Eagles chose to have fixed seating arrangements in order to help them

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