Preschool - Safe, caring, and warm environment where young children thrive Spark a unique, curious, and independent spirit.

Spark (Preschool) | Ages 4-7

Our Spark Studio offers a safe, caring, and nurturing space where young children thrive.

The daily schedule and routines include a balance of indoor and outdoor activities. We believe it is essential to allow children to have plenty of playtime to experiment, take risks at their own pace, solve problems, and socialize with peers of different age groups. On top of that, kindness is what we practice every day at ActonKL.

The sound of children’s laughter, the joy of discovery, and a sense of pride in one’s accomplishments are celebrated. Whether unearthing ‘dinosaur’ bones buried in the sandbox, blending letter sounds to read the first word, navigating the challenges of friendship, or learning to identify and express emotions, at ActonKL, the intellectual, social and emotional life of each child is honoured.

Schedule a call to learn more about our learner-driven community!

Elements of our Spark Studio

Preschool - Montessori materials to nurture number and language skills at self directed own pace

Montessori Materials

Montessori manipulatives build language and math skills.

Preschooler, kindergarten, in Oasis Bandar Utama 11, playing with loose parts

Play Indoors & Outdoors

Indoor and outdoor loose parts and hands-on projects provide play-based learning opportunities.

Preschool - Forging habits to be an independent learner 2

Forging Habits

Studio life creates habits of independence through conflict resolution, studio clean-up, and timekeeping.

Our Flagship school with preschool, kindergarten, tadika, elementary school, primary school, secondary school and middle school.